Did you know that 9 out of 10 support calls can be fixed remotely without the need of waiting for a technician?
Your company will benefit using one of our Remote Services Plans. These plans are tailored to fit a company’s need by offering various levels of support and flat fee subscription pricing.
With one of our plans, your company will know your costs every month and feel secure that all support needs are covered!
Get on-demand remote support without the wait. Since you are connected to a network or the Internet, our support team can connect to you promptly.
Star IT Solutions technicians see what the user sees instantly. With our Remote Support Plan you will reduce cost and become more efficient since support is provided in a timely manner. It is quicker and easier for technicians to resolve support issues by seeing them rather than having the user try to describe what they see on their screen. Now, your employees get a mini online tutorial so they can watch what is being done.